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Many roads forward, many back

Applied Stories - samples

Has your life been transformed in some way? Would you like to share your story with others?

If you are not sure, think about whether one or more of these has happened to you:
  • Has moving to a new location led you to make a real change in the way you live your life?
  • Has a career change led to a higher level of self-understanding, or vice versa?
  • Have you been through a transition, such as marriage, a birth or death in your family that has caused you to rethink your priorities?
  • Has an illness or accident closed off some opportunities and/or opened up others?
  • Have you taken on a new responsibility that has given your life a new purpose?
  • Have you renounced or taken up a new religion, custom or way of life?
Sometimes there is no immediate visible, external transformation, but internally you can identify real differences that have taken place. Either way, we want to hear about them and the impact they have had on your life.

Please send your transformational stories, along with your name and phone contact information, and if they are considered suitable (this does not necessarily mean flawlessly written) I will post them here. Your first name only will be used - if you wish this to be a pseudonym just let me know.

I look forward to reading your stories.
